
What is ferritin?

Ferritin is thesoluble, storage form of iron. As such, the ferritin measurement gives us an indirect measurement of your body’s iron stores. Low levels of ferritin mayindicatedepletion of iron stores (mild iron deficiency), iron-deficiency erythropoiesis (low red blood cell count), or iron deficiency anemia (low hemoglobin and hematocrit). Anemia is themost prevalent nutritional deficiencyworldwide.

Why is it under the Balance Axis?

Iron is an important indicator of physiological health as it is extensively used in energy production and oxygen transport in the blood. Ferritin levels that are out of range can point to a variety of complications such as fatigue, headaches, restless legs syndrome, heart problems, pregnancy complications, and developmental delays in children. In addition, people with iron deficiency anemia are more likely to have weaker immune responses, gastrointestinal upset, problems with concentration and memory, and are less able to work, exercise, and control body temperature. As women are especially susceptible to low levels of iron, this test is particularly important for women’s general health. Heme iron (found in meat) is more bioavailable than nonheme iron (found in plants and fortified foods), so vegetarians are more prone to having depleted iron stores as well.

How can I better understand my results?

For men:

For women:

It is important to note that serum ferritin levels may be elevated in the presence of the following conditions:

  • inflammation
  • significant tissue destruction
  • liver disease
  • malignancies such as acute leukemia and Hodgkin’s disease

Pregnant women, menstruating women, frequent blood donors, and people with cancer, gastrointestinal problems, and heart failure are most likely to have inadequate iron levels.

If you have low ferritin (< 50 ng/mL), you can try:

  • Supplement or consume more iron (fortified cereals, oysters, lentils, etc.)
  • Vitamin C enhances iron absorption (oranges, strawberries, tomatoes, etc.)
  • Limit foods containing phytates, polyphenols, and high calcium that inhibit iron absorption (tea, coffee, red wine, calcium supplements) when consuming iron
  • Cook with cast iron pans to increase the iron content of your meals

If you have high ferritin, you can try:

If your ferritin levels are abnormally high, it may mean you have hyperthyroidism, hemochromatosis (iron overload), liver disease, inflammatory diseases, an infection, or cancer, which is why it is important to consult with your physician if you are concerned about any of your results.

Where can I learn more?

National Institutes of Health - Iron(fact sheet for consumers)

National Institutes of Health - Iron (fact sheet for healthcare providers)

National Heart, Blood, and Lung Institute - Iron-Deficiency Anemia

Cleveland Clinic - Ferritin Test

The above is informational content only. None of it is intended as medical or diagnostic advice. Please consult your provider for information or concerns regarding your results

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