
What are triglycerides?

Triglycerides are the main component of dietary fat and fat deposits in animals. They also serve as an energy source.

Why is it included in the Cardiovascular Axis?

Triglyceride levels that are above normal ranges increase the risk of vascular plaque deposition, which can lead to the artery blockages that precipitate cardiovascular events. In addition, it can also correlate with a greater risk of pancreatitis. [1]

How can I better understand my results?

  • Low Risk: Less than 150 mg/dL
  • Medium Risk: 150-190 mg/dL
  • High Risk: 200-300 mg/dL

Where can I learn more?

Peter Attia has a great breakdown of triglycerides as they relate to cardiovascular risk

The American Heart Association’s interpretation of triglyceride levels and your health

Read The Lancet’s review article on triglycerides and cardiovascular risk

The above is informational content only. None of it is intended as medical or diagnostic advice. Please consult your provider for information or concerns regarding your results

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