How to take a Morning Readiness Reading

Set yourself up for Success

Please see this article for why we recommend Morning Readiness Reading to start your day

To get started with your HRV reading, please do the following:

  1. On the home screen, tap on Morning Readiness to open this feature

  1. Then tap on "Vitals Scan" and select Readiness score

  2. Begin your check-in and set up a daily reminder

    Make sure there are no big distractions. A mostly quiet room is best, but small things don’t matter too much in most cases.

  • Sit or stand in the same position each time - Sitting on a chair, bench, or bed is fine as well. Standing still is OK if you can stand comfortably. (In rare cases with very high aerobic fitness and/or very low resting heart rates, it may be difficult to get accurate readings while lying down - this event is called "parasympathetic saturation". We recommend sitting or standing in these cases)
  • Tap on Continue to take your reading

  1. Next, start your Morning Readiness reading.
  • Place your fingertip over the rear-facing camera lens.
  • Remember to breathe as you usually would throughout the day, just like you do when you're reading a book or watching TV. There's no need to take deep breaths or follow a specific pattern – just let your breathing be natural and at your regular pace

  1. Be sure to sit or stand still and relax during the duration of the one-minute reading.

When you complete your first-morning readiness reading, you will see your HRV score, Heart Rate, and Respiration Rate.

On day four you will unlock your Morning Readiness score.

Be sure to click "done" to save your reading.

After you take your first reading, you'll be prompted to set a Morning Readiness Reminder, follow this link to set it up now!

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