Resetting Your HRV Baseline

Sprens HRV's algorithms are constantly and automatically adjusting and adapting to your current situation and ever-evolving baseline.

If there is a period in which you want to "reset" your baseline, the easiest way to do it is to continue taking Morning Readiness readings as normal and ignore the guidance and recommendations for 14 days.

There is no need to delete your past readings or skip taking readings. After 14 days, the platform will automatically adjust to your new baseline, and you can resume use as normal.

An added benefit of this approach is that you get to capture the transition from your old baseline to your new baseline and see how your HRV has changed!

If you take a break from your morning readiness readings and miss 10 or more days, then you will need to reestablish your baseline which will take 4 days to reset.

If you have any questions or have special considerations, reach out to our team at and we'll be happy to answer any questions.

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