Your Privacy

Your privacy and security are important to us. At no point does Spren share, sell, nor broker any of your data.

To ensure your privacy, your body scan images are processed in the cloud by machine and then de-identified for storage in the cloud after you receive your scan results. You can also choose to have these images deleted. No one but you sees your full scan images.

What other data is stored?

No identifiable data is stored about you. Stored data includes gender, age, height, weight, recent activity days, computer vision extracted body dimensions, and calculated body composition results.

What are my body scan images used for?

Your body scan images are used to analyze your body fat percentage and other important body composition metrics.

You create body scan images by taking a front and side photos using your smartphone’s camera by following the app guides.

Your images are then sent to the cloud where they are processed and your body composition results are calculated.

Are my body scan images private?

Yes. No one but you sees your full body scan images unless you choose to share them yourself. 

How is my data secured?

We use world-class encryption security and privacy measures when transmitting and storing any data that is used to provide you with results and guidance.

Data Sharing

We do not share, sell, nor broker your data with any third-party content or service providers besides our cloud hosting infrastructure provider.

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