How to update your height, birth date, nationality/race, or sex assigned at birth

The first thing that you'll need to do is delete any previous scans, then you'll be able to update the app with your correct information.

First, start by deleting your current scans:

  1. From the home screen on the app, down at the bottom of your screen tap on "Results"
  2. Tap "Scan History" to open a new screen
  3. All of your scans will be listed by date order
  4. To delete the scan, select the scan that you wish to delete by swiping left over the results, a trashcan image will then appear
  5. Tap on the trashcan to delete the scan
  6. You will need to give the app time to delete the scan, Please leave the app open until the scan has been deleted.

Then you will need to delete your account by going into your Settings > My Profile. You will not be starting a new subscription.

Once this is done, you can start a new account and update it with the correct information.

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