Trends Section in the App

In the bottom menu of your Spren Body Composition app, you'll see the "Results" tab which takes you to a series of charts. You can change the charts you see by toggling the different selections: Body Composition Metrics, Indices and Ratios, and Resting Metabolic Rate.

Body Composition Metrics: Tap on Body Fat %, Fat Mass, Lean Mass, and Weight and it will display those trends from your scans over time.

Indices and Ratios: Tap on A/G Ratio, FMI, LMI, and BMI and it will display those trends from your scans over time.

Resting Metabolic Rate - Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) is the daily minimum number of calories you need when at rest. It is your base metabolism that represents the energy required to keep your body functioning properly.

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